Tuesday 11th of June – Preconference | |
10.00-17.00 | Martin Dorahy Shame, Trauma and Dissociation This workshop will explore the treatment of shame in trauma and dissociative disorders. After providing an understanding of the psychology of shame and its association with psychological distress, including that associated with psychotic and dissociative disorders, focus will be given to the relationship between shame and dissociation in complex trauma presentations. Drawing on conceptual models like the window of tolerance to pace therapy an in-depth clinical example will be provided to demonstrate treatment considerations and pitfalls. Location: The teaching center, Sørlandet Sykehus |
Internasjonal konferanse
på Kilden Teater- og Konserthus
Wednesday 12th of June – 09.20 - 17.20 | |
Lectures in English | Forelesninger på engelsk | |
08.30-09.20 | Registration |
09.20-09.45 | Opening and welcome by Nina Mevold, Hospital director Moderator: Cecilie Brøvig |
09.45-10.30 | Introduction Schizophrenia, psychosis and dissociation: Historically shifting concepts obscure intriguing phenomenological differences Andrew Moskowitz |
10.30-11.30 | Schizophrenia as disembodied existence Giovanni Stanghellini |
11.30-11.50 | Break |
11.50-12.50 | Consciousness, self-disturbance and identity in dissociative identity disorder Martin Dorahy |
12.50-13.20 | Panel discussion with Stanghellini and Dorahy Debate Leader/Moderator Andrew Moskowitz |
13.20-14.20 | Lunch |
14.20-15.20 | Changing perspectives on voice hearing and the power of language: Pathology, recovery and discovery Andrew Moskowitz |
15.20-15.40 | Break |
15.40-16.40 | Voice hearing in dissociative identity disorder Martin Dorahy |
16.40-17.10 | Panel discussion with Moskowitz and Dorahy |
17.10-17.20 | Closing Day 1 |
19.00 | Conference Dinner, Radisson Blu Caledonien Hotel |
Thursday 13th of June – 8.45 - 17.30 | |
Lectures in English | Forelesninger på engelsk | |
08.45-09.00 | Opening day 2 Moderator: Birgit Lie |
09.00-09.15 | Some thoughts after day 1, introduction of day 2 Andrew Moskowitz |
09.15-10.15 | Enacting one’s self and world: The making of identity, meaning and reality Ellert Nijenhuis |
10.15-10.35 | Break |
10.35-11.30 | The psychiatrist as a ragpicker: The dialectics between the fragment and the whole in the treatment of mental conditions Giovanni Stanghellini |
11.30-12.00 | Panel discussion with Stanghellini and Nijenhuis: About the experience of the world and reality among people with psychotic and dissociative disorders Debate Leader/Moderator Andrew Moskowitz |
12.00-13.00 | Lunch |
13.00-14.00 | Trauma therapy as participatory evolution of identity, meaning and reality Ellert Nijenhuis |
14.00-14.20 | Break |
14.20-15.10 | From theory to practice – thoughts on being a pragmatic clinician in the face of trauma and psychosis Akiah Ottesen |
15.10-15.30 | Break |
15.30-16.30 | Talking With Voices: A Novel Dialogical Therapy For Working With Distressing Voices Alison Branitsky |
16.30-17.15 | Panel discussion on clinical implications with Ottesen, Dorahy, Nijenhuis, Stanghellini Debate Leader/Moderator Andrew Moskowitz |
17.15-17.30 | Closing remarks after the international part of the conference |
Fredag 14. juni – 8.40 - 16.00 | |
Forelesninger på norsk | Lectures in Norwegian | |
08.40-09.00 | Åpning – Oppsummering av de to første dagene Cecilie Brøvig |
09.00-09.40 | Belastninger og traumer i psykoseforskning: Et behov for konseptuell og metodisk avklaring Sjur Sætren |
09.40-10.20 | Fra «Hva er galt med deg?» til «Hva skjedde med deg?». Betydning av barndomstraumer på tvers av vanlige og alvorlige psykiske helseplager Nina Mørkved |
10.20-10.40 | Pause |
10.40-11.25 | Når personer med dissosiative lidelser utvikler psykose, eller gjør de det? Arne Blindheim |
11.25-12.30 | Lunsj |
12.30-13.20 | Klinisk forståelse av fenomener på tvers av diagnoser – Felles refleksjon og behandlingsmessige alternativer. Video av samtale med bruker. Ingunn Holbæk, Arne Blindheim, Kjersti Karlsen og Elisabeth Haug. Cecilie Brøvig leder samtalen |
13.20-13.35 | Informasjon om digitale plattformer for temaområder fra konferansen 1. Innovasjonsprosjektet "Psykosekompetanse.no - en digital læringsplattform" Kristine Kling og Hilde Kristin Aam Szabo 2. European society for trauma and dissociation - https://estd.org Arne Blindheim |
13.35-13.55 | Pause |
13.55-14.45 | Fra et fragmentert til et mer sammenhengende selv. Hva beskriver mennesker med en dissosiativ lidelse som viktige elementer i endring?Ingunn Holbæk |
14.45-15.00 | Pause |
15.00-15.45 | Å gi form til røyk Akiah Ottesen |
15.45-16.00 | Oppsummering og avslutning |