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Kjersti Karlsen

Psychologist trained as child psychologist
Author of the book «Severe mental illness in children and adolescents»

Tor Gunnar Værnes

Psychologist. Oslo University Hospital, Regional Centre of Competence for Early Intervention in Psychosis, TIPS Sør-Øst

Trine Anstorp

Clinical psychologist with special focus upon complex trauma and dissociation.  Co-author of several books on understanding and working with traumatized clients, the latest title is «Traumebehandling. Komplekse traumelidelser og dissosiasjon».

Cecilie Brøvig Almås

Specialist in clinical psychology
ARA FACT, Addiction unit, Sørlandet Hospital

Arne Blindheim

Clinical psychologist at the Center for Crisis Psychology in Bergen. He has worked with chronically traumatized individuals for about 20 years, and is also involved in supervision, education and organisational work within this field.

Hildegun Sarita Selle

Clinical psychologist at Sørlandet Hospital, Dept for Psyhosomatics and Trauma. She has worked with complex trauma since 2002, both clinically, as a supervisor and education within this field.

Elisabeth Haug

Specialist in psychiatry, PhD. She is working as a clinician and researcher in an early intervention in psychosis unit  at the Department of Acute Psychiatry and Psychosis Treatment, Reinsvoll at  Innlandet Hospital Trust.

Heine Steinkopf

Psychologist, specialized in child and adolescent psychology, RVTS South, Kristiansand